4-H Basket Classes
Basketry is a great project for 4-H groups. There are baskets
from very beginning Cloverbuds to those who have been doing
them for several years. In an effort to teach a progression of
baskets, that teach new skills each year, we have come up with
a selection of baskets to choose from. Once these skills have
been mastered, students are free to design a basket based on
many samples in the shop.
Please contact Kathy to schedule a class. Most baskets can be
completed in about 3 hours. Some of the more intricate ones
will take more than one class, but we like to limit the class
to 3 hours at a time.
Baskets must be started one month
prior to fair.
 Cloverbud Basket
Pencil basket. Spokes are inserted into a wood base.
Weave up the sides and top with a choice of borders.
Should take about 30-45 minutes to make (depending on
size of group). Skills learned: working with reed,
over under weave, easy braid border.
 First Year
Napkin Basket or Roll Basket. Make either of these
baskets using the same basic methods. Skills learned:
Weave a base, upsett sides, overlapping ends, adding a
rim. Should take 2-3 hours.
 Second Year
Seagrass Basket or Heart Basket These are two of our
favorite baskets. The round seagrass basket teaches
setting up a round base, twining and a match stick
border. The heart shaped basket is based on a Choctaw
Indian elbow basket. Skills learned will be weaving an
open base, twining and a twisted handle. About 2-3
 Third Year
Mail, Storage, or Market basket. Third year offers a
few more choices. All of these baskets can be
individualized with color and patterns on the sides so
no two will look alike. The mail basket can be done in
about 3-4 hours. Skills learned will be a
filled in bottom, shaping, and scarfing a rim. The
storage basket adds a decorative wrapped handle. It
will take two classes to make this basket. The market basket
is a traditional basket woven around a D handle for
strength. This will probably take two classes.
 Fourth Year
The fourth year skill will be a twill basket. These
involve baskets where the weave is not just over one/under
one. There are many shapes and styles for these baskets.
The student will have to come in prior to a class and pick
out what style basket and what colors they would like to
do. Twills can be very simple, or challenging, but either
way they are fun! Cost will be determined by the basket
picked and at least two classes will be necessary.
Please contact Kathy in advance about what you wish to
Minimum $20.00
 Fifth Year
By this time you have the skills to make a lot of baskets.
Come in and pick out what you would like to do. We will
guide you to make a basket that will increase your skills,
and improve on those that you have already learned. Cost
and length of time will be determined on what you decide to
do. Below are pictures of baskets that have been made by
4H kids of all ages over the years.
Minimum $20.00